just a few thank yous... :)

I've only been travelling for 2 weeks so far, but have met sooooo many great people in this short time already and just wanna send some "Thank Yous" to them.... (and they are in no particular rank or order....)
CAROLINA - quien eres tu if not my long-lost twin sister that I just met 2 years ago.... Amazing that there's someone who is / thinks / acts soooo much like me.... !!!
Thanks so much for the wonderful time with you in Seattle and for everything you did for me.... thanks for having such a sweet and easy-going husband and so many wonderful friends..... I know we'll be spending more great times, road-trips, vacations and adventures together.... yyaaaiii.... can't wait....
CARLITO - Thanks for the beautiful music and for making me fall in love with a song again.... thanks for the nice times that Carolina and I spent with you and thanks for your ever-lasting smile.... we'll miss you in Puerto Rico this summer.... it's just not gonna be the same without you....
ROGER - Thanks for you hospitality in Vancouver..!! I couldn't have wished for a nicer Welcome, a more fun first dance and a better first 24 hours in your city...!!
GEORGIO & SASKO - Thanks for the great time with you in VAN & Seattle.... thanks for the chauffeur, bodyguard and butler services... ;) but most of all, thanks for that eye-opener.... can't wait to see you again....
FRANK & HOAMI - Thanks for 3 great days and nights at your house in Vancouver.... you guys are the sweetest.... Muchas gracias tambien for the amazingly delicious meals that we shared - and this goes to Rachel & Corby as well... :) and thanks for letting me borrow your cool bike.... You made Vancouver so much fun for me...!!
ANETA, ANJA, KATRIN and LOTTA - Thanks for being the "bestest" and most wonderful friends that I could ask for...!! and thanks for always keeping in touch the way you do.... love you guys mucho....!!
MY MUM, NONA and my FAMILY in Germany - Thanks for always being there for me and always thinking of me.....thanks for all your love & support...
OLAF - Thanks for being the best brother in the world...!! thanks for all your medical advice and consultation... ;) and thanks for just being the way you are.... hugs & kisses to you and Claudi....
All my CS friends in SEATTLE & VAN - Thanks for offering your help, advice and support...!! was great to meet some of you while I was in your city.... everyone else - hopefully c u next time....
LOUNGE-FAMILY - Thanks for being my wonderful extended family.... You guys are the best...!! Enjoy all your travels as much as I do and I know we'll be in touch and see each other again.... yyaaiii....
EVERYONE ELSE - Thanks for being a part of my life.... thanks for being my friend and caring & thinking about me enough to read this.... You'll get your personal dedication next time... ;)
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