Trip to Lago Atitlan, Panajachel and San Pedro

Saturday night was another really fun Salsa night at LA CLAVE in the capital.... Lucy and I met lotsa Mexicans there
, nice guys and some were even fun to dance to with and they might come to Antigua tomorrow again for some more salsa at SIN VENTURA.... :)
ooohh - and I also met another guy in LA CLAVE again who was also in the bar that I went to with Juan Carlos on FRI.....funny...this small world....
and then yesterday, after a nice breakfast with pancakes, we - Juan Carlos, Maria, their kids and I - drove to LAGO ATITLAN (pics above) .... very beautiful lake about 2 hours from GUATE city.... we drove through a few other departments of Guatemala and beautiful countryside till we arrived in the main village PANAJACHEL.... pretty busy and touristy, so we just left the car in a car park there and took a little Lancha (small boat) across the lake to another village, SAN PEDRO.... much smaller and quieter, but with a lot of churches - catholic ones, but also quite a few of the many sects in Guatemala as Juan Carlos explained to me....
but the bouncy ride in the lancha was well worth it and we had a really nice lunch there, walked around the village for a bit, before we headed back to Panajachel with almost the last lancha of the day - there are no more lake crossings after 5.00pm each day cause the clouds are coming down to low over the lake, it gets really foggy and windy and to dangerous to cross it by boat.....
our drive back through the mountain and to Antigua also took much longer than in the morning, cause it was really foggy and rainy up there too, and getting dark as well.... but we got back safely, and Juan Carlos dropped me off at my house in Antigua before they went back to their place in the city....
I was pretty tired after all the travelling, dancing, volcano climbing, but talked for a while with Marta Julia, Hermance and Jean Paul, a new guy from DC (well, France originally) who had just arrived at our house in the afternoon.... he had just got back from a year studying in Beirut and is now here for 2 weeks to study Spanish before he goes back to school in DC for his last term.... really nice and interesting guy to talk to....
what a great day, what an amazing weekend...!!
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