Friday, November 11, 2005

back in Mexico.... once again....

So I finally had to leave Antigua after 3 great months there.... very strange feeling..... after a very good last evening / night in Cafe Flor, CAFECITO and Cafe NO SE with Seb, I had 2 hours left at home to pack my bags and then took a shuttle from there at 4.00am to la capital, from there at 5.30am to LA MESILLA on the Mexican border..... very beautiful busride..... about 8 hours, but I really enjoyed it..... just nice to sit there, watch the landscape outside fly by, little villages and towns, mountains, rivers, clouds, beautiful Guatemalan countryside..... aaahhhh - I´m sooo gonna miss it.....

we also drove past the Panajachel area and you could still see a lot of the damage that hurricane STAN had done there...... but the roads are pretty much all usable again, even though in some parts there´s still only one lane available and we had to wait for like 15 minutes cause traffic can only go into one direction....

then the adventure of crossing the Mexican border, 2 more short - well 1 and 1/2 hour - bus-rides in COLLECTIVOS (mini-buses) and I arrived in SAN CRISTOBAL around 5.45pm....

went to the POSADA MEXICO that Suzie had recommend to me - and here I am...!!! :)

After my last 3 nights in Antigua with hardly any sleep I was super-super-tired when I got here last night and just walked around SAN CRISTOBAL for an hour or so, had a shower and went to bed really early..... like 10.00pm..... aaahhhh - nice....

It´s all fine and okay here nad SAN CRISTOBAL is a pretty nice little place, but I also think that at the moment I just compare it too much with Antigua..... or I´m just still thinking too much of Antigua.... and, of course, no place that you see for 2 days can mean the same to you as one where you lived for 3 months....!!! claro....

but it´s nice enough to spend 2 days here - apparently there´s also a Latin / Salsa place about 2 blocks from our Posada..... entonces, vamos a ver..... and tomorrow evening I´m leaving for Mexico City.....
more soon.....


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