Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Guatemala´s Independence Day... or - the half-time of my travels....

So, the Guatemalan Independence Day last THU, 15th SEPT. marked the half-time of my 5 months trip.... 2 and 1/2 months ago I left Germany - and 2 and 1/2 more to go till I get back.... WOW - time is still flying by....as always...

and there are soooooooooooooooo many things I still wanna do, so many places I still wanna go to and see..... but at the same time I`m also still having a great time in Guatemala and really enjoying my life here in Antigua at the moment....

Also, this week - actually tonight - Aneta is supposed to come to Guate and meet me here in Antigua..... so we´ll probably stay here together for another few days, then go to Flores and Tikal before I finally, finally, finally make it to Mexico.... yeah yeah, I know - I´ve been saying that soooooo many times before..... But I am gonna get there....!! DEFINITIVAMENTE..!!

Anyway, Independence Day last week was lotsa fun....muchas fiestas, musica, dancing, steelband parades and competitions (desfiles), speeches y banderas de Guatemala como decoraciones everywhere..... super-nice...!!

went dancing in the capital on WED night at PAPARAZZI and LA CLAVE con Victor and some Dutch girls...was really good, at least at LA CLAVE and I also met some of my Salsa friends from Guate city there....
and then on THU fiestas y desfiles en Antigua.... y mas Salsa @ Toreros por la noche.... :)

On FRI is was Miguel´s Birthday.... one of my favorite dancers here in ANtigua and he had a really good Afterparty at his house / dance-studio after SIN VENTURA.... finally an Afterparty with some good music and dancing.... and not only drinking.....

then on SUN it was Marta Julia`s birthday.... yeah, all those birthdays en Septiembre.... well, it really was on Monday (yesterday) - same day as Camilla and Chenai - so HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you chicas as well...!!!
But she (Marta) had invited me to a birthday lunch with her family on SUN.....was really nice to meet all her siblings, kids and grandchildren....supre-lovely people, lotsa great Guatemalan food and drinks and a cake that was even bigger than my birthday cake...!! great afternoon....

Afterwards I played basketball with Rene, a friend from El Salvador, for a while and then went to CASBAH por la noche.....
good music until about 11.30pm, then a bit too much electronica and dance.... but still bastante bien....

yesterday I worked in CAFE FLOR and was hanging out with Seb, Alejandro y Alejandra and some other people at CAFE NO SE despues.... very nice and relaxing night - sin Salsa.... ; )

and another great week in Antigua went by super-quick....!!!


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