My birthday weekend in Guatemala....

was super- great and fun...!!! with lots of nice people here.... parties, dancing, etc. etc.
had a very nice Italian dinner with Jose - my boss at CAFE FLOR here - on FRI night....then went dancing with Sonja, Alberto and some other friends at SIN VENTURA afterwards....really good night.....
on SAT - my birthday - Martha had invited me to have lunch at her house and she had even got me a little birthday-present....a really nice sweet....
Sonja had bought a huge caramel cake for my birthday that said FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS ASTRID...!! aaahhhh - she´s just the best.....really gonna miss her when she´s going back to Germany on SAT... :( we had so much fun here together.... oh well, 5 more days....
After lunch and cake we - Sonja and I - were just hanging out in Antigua in the afternoon. met lots of our Guatemalan friends and some other people and finally arranged to go to some party at EL JARDIN in ESCUINTLA (another city, about 40mins drive from Antigua, on the way from here to the beach) with Miguel, Hugo, Nina. Fernando, Susanna, Carlos, Mario, etc. etc. that night.....
the place was alright, just way to many people there and hot, hot, hot.... music was mixed, but not much space to dance anyway.... oh was "una noche muy alegre" as Miguel said and we had a good time there ..... really funny though, how everyone seemed to do whatever Sonia and I wanted to do....they almost chaged their whole plan just because of us in the end.... even though they really didn´t have to.... so we got back to Antigua super-tired some time around 3.00am after a really fnu night....
on SUN I worked the lunch and dinner shift in CAFE FLOR, which was pretty fun, and I had enough time in my 3-hours break during the 2 shifts to go to the fiesta and steel band competition that was going on at the PARQUE CENTRAL here yesterday.... huge party in the streets and the park....really fun as well....
Later that night Sonia, Hugo, Carlos, Fernando, Susanna and Miriam all came to have dinner at CAFE FLOR and then we went to KASBAH after I finished..... another bar / club in ANTIGUA that I had never been to before..... but it was actually pretty good, we had a really nice time there and they even played some salsa..... and Miguel and Alberto were there too with some other friends, so I had some people to dance with as well.... :)
so yes - super-great Birthday weekend in Guatemala...!! I´m glad I spent here with some good friends and nice people and I´m just gonna celebrate again once I finally get to Cancun....!!
Also - thanks muchas to everyone for your lovely emails and birthday greetings....!!! soooooo good to know that you´re all out there thinking of me..... love you mucho....xxxxxxx
and yes - I´m still having a really nice time here in ANTIGUA..... but, as above, I know it´s not gonna be as much fun anymore when Sonja leaves on SAT to go back to Germany..... and I also know that the longer I stay here, the harder it´ll be to say Goodbye to everyone here again.... so sometime within the next 2 weeks I´ll definitely be on my way to Mexico.... and then I can always stop in GUATE and ANTIGUA again on my way back and down South to Costa Rica....
so that´s it for today.... hugs and kisses from Guatemala....xxxx
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