one day without my watch..... or - there really are some nice and honest people in Guatemala..... smile... ;)
so I lost /left my watch last night in BAGEL BARN cause I had taken it off while I was doing some stuff / emailing on Seb´s notebook and just put it to the side cause it was uncomfortable to type with it....lotsa rain here in Antigua last night and we had a little powercut in the whole city.... so we left the place in the total dark and pouring rain and I only realised that I didn´t have my watch anymore when we had already been at Adrian´s place for 45 minutes or so..... Seb was so sweet to drive me back there over the flooded roads that left quite a few cars stranded..... real adventure..... cause we didn´t have the 4 x 4 Jeep that night....
pero no luck.... no watch.... the lady there had no idea.... and after all the malas cosas that had already happened in the last 24 horas that didn´t even surprise me very much....
oh well, no mas POP Swatch para mi.... :(
but then I decided to check with them again after my German lessons this morning and on the way to buy my ticket to Mexico..... and guess what...??
THEY HAD REALLY FOUND IT LATER LAST NIGHT AND KEPT IT FOR ME....!!! unbelievable...!! I was so happy...!! really thought I would never see that watch again and would have to check the time on my alarm clock for the rest of my trip....
but yeah, there really are some very nice and honest people around in Guatemala.... aaaahhh - I love this place - BAGEL BARN - even more now...!!!
And not only for its wireless internet connection.... ;)
and by the way Seb, muchas gracias again for letting me "go crazy" on your computer there once more.... I´ll pay your coffee anytime for that service.... ;)
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