I AM IN MEXICO....!!! finally....

2 great months and 2 days in Guatemala....!! Much longer than I had planned, but I had such a wonderful time in Antigua that it wasn´t very hard to stay that long..... and even now it was hard to say Goodbye to some super-great friends and some wonderful people..... and I know I´ll be back there soon.... :)
too bad that ANETA was getting stuck in that place right now, when I finally had to leave for a while.... bad timing.... wish it could have happened a week before.... oh well....
so, after 2 more fun nights dancing in SIN VENTURA on FRI and SAT - hey Seb, really great all the stuff that you learned in the last 2 weeks.... ;) - and a very nice and relaxing Sunday - just a bit too wet and rainy - I left on SUN night with a the night bus to the capital and from there to FLORES..... got there at 4.00am on MON morning after a very sleepless night cause they were playing super-loud music on the bus pretty much the whole time of the journey....aaahhh...annoying.... but at least the driver didn´t fall asleep that way..... and was just speeding over totally wet and curvy roads.... how fun.... ;)
so I was really, really tired when I got to FLORES and didn´t feel like getting into a taxi on my own to look for a hotel and stuff, so I decided to go straight from there to CANCUN..... the ruins and TIKAL are still gonna be there on my way back from MEXICO if I wanna see them....
from Flores it took another 8 hours to CHETUMAL.....but a really nice bus ride on an almost empty bus with lotsa space to myaelf..... and I got to see Belice City and other parts of that country as well..... looked really nice.... and maybe I should stop there too on my way back...
then from Chetumal another 5 and 1/2 hours to CANCUN, and I finally arrived at the ADO station here at 10.30pm last night.... still super-tired.... but finally in the place where I was supposed to be over a month ago....!! :)
Toño´s Mum was so sweet to come and pick me up from the bus station cause he had to work the whole night at the hotel.... luckily they don´t live very far from the centre of Cancun and the bus terminal..... and I even had enough energy and some time to read my emails - yes, finally a 24 hours I-Net connection at "my house" (for a while) again - take a shower and then just fall into my bed..... aahhh....I slept so well.... :)
then today was a bit rainy and grey here unfortunately..... but very good to relax.....went to a really nice French place with Toño for lunch.....then we just drove around CANCUN for a while before he had to go back to work....
and then later I just walked around a bit on my own from their house to PLAZA de las AMERICAS...!! super-big and very American shopping mall here....
wow - even though it was soooo rainy and cloudy here today, it wad still really hot and humid and I think I´m gonna need another shower pretty soon....
big hug from Mexico..... more news will come soon....
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