Con el caballo en la Fiesta Gaucha.... me and the Gaucho horse...

So, nun bin ich schon fast einen ganzen Monat in Buenos Aires, und hab auch schon genug Salsa locations hier gesehe, um endlich mal ein kleines update about the dancing-scene hier zu schreiben….
First thing you have to know when going out in Buenos Aires is that EVERYTHING STARTS LATE LATE LATE…..!!!
you go out to eat dinner here around 11.00pm, on weekends you normally don’t go to clubs before 12.00 midnight, und unter der Woche eigentlich auch the same… bit strange at the beginning, but you get used to it easily after a while….. well. I did at least….
The salsa-scene here in general is a lot better than in Lima….. there are a lot more dancers, and better dancers….. das einzigste, das ein bischen schade ist, ist dass die Leute hier nicht so nett sind wie in Peru…!!
Going out and dancing in Lima was always fun and all people were always very nice and friendly and super helpful. everywhere all the time… so when I first came to Buenos Aires it was a bit sad to see and experience how a lot of the Argentinos here are often pretty arrogant and cliquee…. and they don’t even deny it….!!
I spoke with some people in my office (all Argentinos) and also with some other Argentine friends here about it, and they just said - “SI, ASI ES…. Y ASI SOMOS…” hhmmmm….. and AAA - HAA…!! Interesante - bit sad, but true….
aber inzwischen hab ich auch schon einige sehr nette Argentinier hier kennengelernt, obwohl ich immer noch sagen wuerde - The nicest people that I’ve met here so far are actually Peruvian, Greek and Austrian….. hahha…..
well, but places to dance gibt es hier genug und boring wird es auf jeden Fall nicht…!! (aber das wird es mir ja eigentlich sowieso nie irgendwo….)
A very nice place for example is LA SUDACA where they have Salsa on WED and SUN….. First great thing about it is that it’s only 4 blocks from my apartment here…!! hahha….. but that definitely makes it super-easy and convenient to get there…. and get back home again as well of course…
Second plus-point is the music which has been really nice all the times I’ve been there so far….. very danceable and usually only one or two Merengues per night….
a bit sad that they haven’t discovered BACHATA here yet….. I do miss that sometimes….. but instead they have little Rock’n Roll breaks in between now and then again….. hhmmm…… auch okay….
Third nice thing about SUDACA is the people, and I have actually met my nice Peruvian friends in there…..
Then on THU you can dance at LA VIRUTA…. well, you can actually dance there every night of the week - but TANGO….. only THU is SALSA-night…. pretty okay place if you go there after 1.00am…!!
The class from 11.30pm - 12.30am is a bit boring, way way way toooooooo many people… and very Cuban… also, the music doesn’t get good until after 1.00am and sadly a lot of the dancers there tend to stick to their little groups….. hhmm….but I had a fun enough time there the 2 times I’ve been there so far, and if you go there with some friends and people to dance with it’s not a bad place…
THE PLACE TO GO ON FRI for SALSA in Buenos Aires is Show-Center Martinez…. el BOWLICHE…. a little furhter away from the capital area and great if you can get there by car….. if not colectivo (Bus) number 60 and 71 also take you straight there….!! and back….. (Colectivos here run 24 hours, but the SUBTE (underground) unfortunately only till 11.00pm, on weekends as well as during the week…. THAT should DEFINITELY be changed…. !! )
The long way to travel is definitely worth it, AND NOT ONLY because entrance is FREE there….!! Very nice wooden dance floor…. big enough and lots of space to dance….. good music and lots of dancers…!!
Aaahhh - and if you take some friends who are NOT THAT MUCH into dancing, there’s also a bowling alley in the same place where they can spend their time….
Other options for FRI (and SAT) would be LA SALSERA and AZUCAR BELGRANO…
NOTE - AZUCAR ABASTO is still closed for party nights (only open for classes) and no-one really knows exactly when it’s gonna open again for salsa nights on FRI and SAT….
I’ve been to LA SALSERA once on a SAT and twice on a FRI so far…. and it was actually the FIRST SALSA PLACE that my friend Kristin took me to on MY VERY FIRST NIGHT in Buenos Aires (a SAT)…..
not a bad place, but maybe a bit too small, and not always enough space for the amount of people there… music is okay, not bad, but nothing extra-ordinary either…. people are okay too, but it seemed a bit more of a pick-up place than SUDACA or LA VIRUTA I would say…. hhmmmm…..
but the 3 times I’ve been there I did actually have a nice time…. would go back there now and then again maybe, but certainly not EVERY weekend….
AZUCAR in Belgrano I only know on SAT so far…. but also I don’t really think that I need get to know the FRIDAYS there….
bit too commercial that place, a bit TOO MUCH reggaeton and dance music mixed in with Salsa…. hhmmm….. a nice thing about AZUCAR though is the little separate dancefloor that they have on the first floor….
so whenever u need a bit more air to breath, space to dance, wooden dance-floor, good and danceable music, you should try that little separate dance floor upstairs….
And then there’s another place in Buenos Aires that’s supposed to be really good for Salsa on SAT….. PINAR DE ROCHA….. But I’m only gonna go there tomorrow for the first time….!!
so I will report back about it in my next update here….
hugs and kisses to everyone from Buenos Aires…xxx